Saturday 8 April 2017

Crafting With Cats ~ Part II ~ We Made A Supurr Hero's Cape

Welcome to

Supurr Caturday Greetings Pawesome Pals

Thanks fur joining fur us fur Part II of our Crafting with Cats segment.  If mew'd like to see our previous CWC post click here and learn how to make Merlin's Wizard Hat.

Sorry we're a little late, we did want to post this last Caturday but the P.A. just ran out of time. Oops! MOL

So my crafty-pawed comrades are mew ready to become caped crusaders?

What We Used:

 Felt sheet x 1 in a colour of your choice
Felt sheet x 1 in a contrasting colour of your choice
Silky fabric approx 14" square [or 35cm] in a colour of your choice

Tailors chalk
Needle & Thread fur hand stitching or a sewing machine if mew have one

A cat collar ~ quick release

Optional cat fur snoopervising and general assistance

Are mew ready?

1.  Cut your square of fabric, approx 14" is good

2.  Quickly iron on a low heat setting

3.  Pin hem all the way round

4. Close up of hem

Basil furry kindly offuring his expert sewing skillz.

5.  Sew the hem all the way round either by hand or on a machine

6.  It should now look like this [press again to flatten seams]

7.  Place felt and collar on square to measure width of collar

8. Cut felt strips and sew together to make the collar channel

9.  Put onto the square, pin and sew

10. It should now look like this

And like this on the front.

11. Take the remainder of the felt square and cut out your emblem, we chose a shield

12. Place on square and check placement and sizing

13. Take contrast felt square and cut out your letter or logo

14. Pin letter to shield and sew 

15. Pin shield to main square and sew

16.  It should now look like this

17.  Thread collar through the channel and make a ruffle 

18. Mew now should have your furry own Supurr Hero Cape - WOO HOO!

and in only 18 simple steps, how amazingly pawesome is that!!?? MOL

*    *    *

We hope mew have no purroblems understanding the step by step destructions, howeffur if mew do, purrlease leave us a comment and we'll help anyway we can.

***only wear under strict purrental supurrvision fur safety reasons***

**We only wear ours fur brief photo shoots**

*    *    *

[FYI just in case mew're wundering, the P.A. doesn't use patterns, she just thinks of something and makes it up as she goes along. But we will tell mew this, she did go to fashion school school fur 2 years many eons ago, but she really taught herself to sew when she about 4 years old on her grandmothers manual Singer machine. Though she doesn't really do much sewing these days, she used to make evening gowns and hand-bead them. She makes curtains too, and even reupholsters furniture when required.

*    *    *

And here's our furry own Supurr Smooch ready by the door to bound... no fly at a moments notice to do whateffur, whereffur, wheneffur because HE CAN!  Jeez what guy!

 Smooch said, "Smoke me a kipper and I'll be back fur lunch!!!"

Parsley said that he wanted to try the Supurr Hero cape because he's known among the CosPlay community as Supurr Sauce, how could we deny him!

Then young Fudge said, "Supurr Sauce, can I get a supurr cape like yours and some of that pawesomely fabulous supurr hero cologne mew're wearing?"

Sauce looked at him and said, "Dude mew're not old enough to fly and no, mew can't wear my signature scent."

Fudge said, "But it's so cool, I really, really want one because it's so pawesome and I could be The Fudginator and smell just like mew!"

Yep we don't think the wurld is quite ready fur The Fudginator just yet! MOL

*    *    *

And that furriends furry sadly brings us to the end of our second Crafting with Cats post, we do hope mew liked it, and feel free to share your crafty pics and ideas on our Facebook page at:

And if there's anything mew'd like us to make, leave a comment and we'll do our best.

We'll be back on the morrow with our usual Sunday Selfies Selection and hope to see mew then!

Bestest crafty purrs

Basil & Co xox

We at BionicBasil HQ are not responsible or liable fur any injuries to person/s and/or cat/s, crafting addictions, glue on cats, paper cuts, misplaced pins and needles, cats stealing your supplies, broken scissors, cat fur stuck on your projects, or your project not turning out as planned.  By using this information you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless BionicBasil and staff from and against any and all claims for personal injuries or damages of any kind arising from use of any Crafting With Cats posts we may share.
Graphics created and used under paid licence and


  1. That is an awesome cape! But my human saw the directions and burst out laughing because there is NO way she could do that! Ask her to hand code an ebook and she could totally do that - and enjoy it. Ask her to do anything more complicated than sewing a button back on a shirt and the results are really, really embarrassing. She actually took sewing in middle school and every bit of clothing she sewed was misshapen and had to be pinned to fit right. Somehow she managed to get a C instead of a D.

    1. Hi Summer, awwww we're so glad mew like the cape. We're sure your hooman could make this, in fact we know she could, and she can always ask us to make mew a glitzy pink one if mew like? XOX

  2. That came out great, I just added it to my Pin It board of cat stuff to make, maybe for Halloween I will have a bunch of super heroes.

    1. Thanks guys, and thanks fur pinning it too, greatly appreciated! We're sure mew'll make the best bunch of supurr hero kitties the wurld has effur seen!!! XOX

  3. Mom says that is the cutest thing. We just hope that if she decides to make one she doesn't try to make one of us wear it. Our mom used to be a super sewer. She made her wedding dress even. She did so much of it by hand as that is how she was taught. Unfortunately, her hands don't work well enough anymore to do any handwork. Should she make one of these, she'll definitely share it. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    1. Hiya Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy, well here's hoping your mom makes it and then puts it on a soft toy instead of mew guys! MOL XOX

  4. What a pawsome cape! But we don't let the mom play with scissors. Too dangerous. ;)

    1. MOL MOL Island Cats, that's funny about the scissors, Dad says the same thing about the P.A. - she's a liability with anything sharp! MOL XOX

  5. This is AWESOME with a capital AWE and Smooch is SOME guy! Now if theres one think I like more than a scientist in a white coat (Maxwell dude) then its a Super Cat in a cape! Well a combo of both those would be really good! Hmm does Smooch have an -ology by any chance?
    Purrs, Erin

    1. Thanks Erin, and yes Smooch has a PHD in Catnip-ology! MOL MOL XOX

  6. OK So we need to give this a go - right. NOW.

    This is brilliannt


    1. Hey Dash Kitten Crew, so glad mew like it, and we can't wait to see how yours turn out! XOX

  7. OH! That is such a wonderful cape. Supurr Smooch looks so dashing and heroic in it!

  8. Petcretary's sewing machine is in the retirement as it were, MOL!!! We know she *could* make one of those super duper capes...but um, she always has some excuse or other up her sleeve...oh well, at least she does feed y=us and empty our litter boxes on time:)

    She has a good excuse this week, as she was doing a lot of time in doggy hospital chores...but it was love in action, cause dog-guy seems to be on the mend...and no sewing mchine was used in his mending, MOL!!!

    1. Hey Pipo & Minko, oh mew should tell your mom to get the sewing machine out, be great fun to make one! MOL XOX

  9. What a pawsome cap ! Claire is like your mom, she thinks of something, get the sewing machine, and here we go ! Your step by step destructions are very easy to follow, thank you ! Purrs

    1. Hiya Swiss Cats, so glad mew think the destructions are easy to follow, and yay fur your mom Claire, woo hoo fur sewing cute crazy cat stuff! MOL XOX

  10. I wish I had the sewing bug! I'd love to try this. Maybe I can get my mom to do it. :-)

    1. Hi Chatty Cats, oh purrlease make one, we'd love to see!!! XOX


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FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!